Living, not Just Existing: the Power of the Moment



The tranquility and inner calm of the Here and Now. A doorstop of freshly baked bread, a tub of humous and a bag of berries to eat. Tap water to drink. A wooden step to sit on, a howling gale and biting cold to sit in. My shadow, my thoughts, bare trees and the fishers on the resa for companions. Nine miles to go. Which of us will get to journey’s end first I wonder, this ambling flaneur or the dimming of the day? Not sure it really matters. Perhaps I shall choose to come second. Either way, my books and my maps will await my return home. Then green tea or Earl Grey? I can’t decide.

Postscript: I did indeed finish second. The enchantments and sorcery of Pipers Hill Wood and the setting sun over the Malvern Hills called my name and invited me to tarry a while.

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